Made in Switzerland

Your partner for professional wood processing

With our high-performance tools for professional woodworking in the areas of windows / doors, timber construction, interior fittings and planing, we are an important partner in the entire woodworking industry.

We not only develop tools but also advise you on their optimal use – tailored to your production environment.


… the fastest milling head … in many application

There are many solutions available to increase production using the OERTLI CASTOR Optimo.

CASTOR Optimo – brochure

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best wood Schneider, Messkirch (DE)

«OERTLI supported us with the tool settings during commissioning in order to maximise the feed rates of the system.»   Fabian Arnold, Technical advice

To the video

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Timber construction Reinholz, Oberwölz (AT)

«As the customer can see and judge the surface of our wall/ceiling constructions, the tool plays a decisive role for us.»                                                                 Reinhard Hansmann, Management

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Theurl Faipar GmbH, Assling (AT)

«Our colleagues at the CLT plant in Steinfeld are already using Oertli tools and are very satisfied. And because the price/performance ratio is right, we decided to use Oertli tools in the Assling plant as well.»  Eugen Senfter, Table Ladder

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Customized tooling system for compact CNC system

The tools enable peak performance

«A window can only work perfectly if it is perfectly machined.» Stefanie Graber Franz Lechner Window and door interior fittings 

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From standard to high performance tools for cross laminated timber

Xlam Industrie in Mignovillard (FR) masters challenging jobs with special tools from OERTLI.

To the PR report
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Comprehensive tool expertise for CNC window systems

«The asset sharing introduced by OERTLI is key to the success of our company.» Benno Setz, Setz Window Manufacturing

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Torques at a glance

As much precision and safety as possible – as much torque as necessary..

A carefully cleaned blade seat, the cutting edge tightened to a defined torque, ensures precise results and safe working.

Click here for the torque data sheet…

Click here for the torque spanner set…

Router cutter catalogue

Discover our new router cutter catalogue now!

28 Tools.                                                        140 Variations.                                                 ∞ Opportunies.

PDF download

Project Supervision

Your new window system in ten steps

You have the idea for a new window project? Our experts will accompany you from the planning stage to optimised production. You save time and development costs.

Get more details here

OERTLI Tooling UK Ltd

The expert  company for professional wood processing was founded in 2003 as a consulting and sales subsidiary of the Swiss company OERTLI, responsible for UK and Ireland. From the very beginning a large number of existing and new machines for the production of wooden windows could be equipped with the latest OERTLI tooling solutions.

High performance tools, ongoing innovations to optimize wood processing and a long experienced team of wood processing experts guarantee customers not only the most modern tools but also the best advice on their use in their production environment.

OERTLI group – details

Production of windows / doors

Depending on the production environment, quality requirements and financial constraints, our experts develop the optimum tool system for the production of windows & doors.

Timber construction

High-performance tools for all applications and highest quality requirements in timber construction. Shortest delivery times, often longer tool life and quick service are your benefit.

Project Supervision

The optimal production with efficient and effective use of tools for your production requirements. Our experts support and accompany you with their know-how in engineering and documentation up to the training of your employees.

Quality and Safety

High quality products and continuous optimization are an important goal of our company. We guarantee the highest quality standards and a continuous improvement process of our services.


OERTLI Tooling UK Ltd
7 Warren Park Way
LE19 4SA

Tel. +44 116 286 34 09
Fax +44 116 286 75 45


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